Nuclear Armaggedon: Jason Bermas Interviews Paul Craig Roberts

August 28, 2008


August 27, 2008

Download the interviews as an MP3 here.

Paul Craig Roberts, economist and former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration, tells Jason Bermas on the Alex Jones Show that the Bush neocons are leading the United States into a nuclear confrontation with Russia over the situation in Georgia and South Ossetia. Roberts gives the conflict “almost total certainty if John McCain gets in office… this is not something that will happen in the next fifty years, it’s going to happen in the next two or three years.”

Related: Paul Craig Roberts

War With Russia Is On The Agenda
Are You Ready For Nuclear War?

Are You Ready For Nuclear War?

August 20, 2008

Paul Craig Roberts
August 19, 2008

The Republican candidate for president is a warmonger. There are no checks remaining in the Republican Party on the neocons’ proclivity for war. What Republican constituencies oppose war? Can anyone name one?

Pervez Musharraf, the puppet installed by the US to rule Pakistan in the interest of US hegemony, resigned August 18 to avoid impeachment. Karl Rove and the Diebold electronic voting machines were unable to control the result of the last election in Pakistan, the result of which gave Pakistanis a bigger voice in their government than America’s.

It was obvious to anyone with any sense—which excludes the entire Bush Regime and almost all of the “foreign policy community”—that the illegal and gratuitous US invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, and Israel’s 2006 bombing of Lebanon civilians with US blessing, would result in the overthrow of America’s Pakistani puppet.

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